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Sept 26: Pecatonica Route - Southwest WI!


Here is a great route for all of our friends who have yet to experience riding in the Driftless Area!

The Pecatonica Route is named for the Pecatonica River which is a major feature along this route. It meanders through southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois before it joins the Rock River. Even though this route is not located along the Mississippi River, the hills and valleys in this part of the state still provide plenty of interesting and fun roads.  If you look at the map above you can see that the entire area is covered in hills. These hills and the valleys in between provide many miles of amazing roads. We selected the route above, but there are many more roads in this area that are worthy of further investigation. We plan on doing so in the near future, and you should too!

This part of Wisconsin is home to an early settlement of Welsh miners in Mineral Point and an early Swiss settlement in New Glarus. Between these two historic sites is the beautiful Yellowstone State Park. In addition to these great stops, this route is also home to Blackhawk Memorial Park, the Toy Train Barn Museum, and Nick Englebert’s Grandview. Finally, this route is home to Wisconsin Rustic Roads #81 and #94.

Click Here to learn more about the Pecatonica (WI) Route!


Safe Travels!

Dale and Renee

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