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Apr 19: River Bend (WI) Route, Slimey Crud Run, BMW Swap Meet


This weeks highlighted route, the River Bend Route, is an excellent route to try on your way to the Slimey Crud Run!

Named for the area where the Wisconsin River bends to the west, The River Bend Route has something for everyone. It includes twisty roads, open sweepers, elevation changes, a free ferry ride, scenic wonders, and a road called “Devil’s Delight”.

The River Bend Route traces the path of the Wisconsin River from Spring Green past Portage, Wisconsin. You will enjoy the open curves of Highway 60 and the free ferry crossing at Merrimac, on your way to Wisconsin Rustic Road #49 outside of Portage. After you finish with the rustic road, your path turns back southwest toward some great hills and scenery.

The final leg of this route will take you through Leland, which is one of the stops on the semi-annual Slimey Crud Run.

Click Here for more information about the River Bend Route!

For more routes in this area, Click Here!

Slimey Crud Run

One of the most popular Southern Wisconsin motorcycle events is coming up soon.

The Spring 2023 Slimey Crud Run will take place on Sunday, May 7th. You may never see a more diverse range of motorcycles and characters in the same place at the same time!

Click Here if you want to learn more about the Slimey Crud Run!

BMW Swap Meet

The Blackhawk Region BMW Association's annual swap meet will take place on Saturday, May 6th.

This annual event will take place in the beautiful River Valley Complex in Leaf River, IL.

This is a great event and an opportunity to pick up some tremendous deals.

Please do not confuse this event with the Blackhawk Swap meet that takes place in Davenport every fall.

Click Here for more information about the Blackhawk Region BMW Association Swap Meet!


Safe Travels!

Dale and Renee

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