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Sept. 16th Update: 2021 Hiawatha Rally, This Day In History!!


2021 Hiawatha Rally:

This weekend we are at the 2021 Hiawatha Rally in Money Creek Haven, Minnesota. We have been trying to attend this rally for the past 3 years and this year the stars finally aligned so we are able to attend.

We even created a special route to celebrate this event. Here is a picture of 2021 Hiawatha Rally Route:

You can get a free download of this route by clicking here!

We will be near the check in table on Friday and we will also be available during the day on Saturday to answer questions and help sort out some of your pesky GPS issues (we will try anyway). So stop by, say hi and check out our new Driftless gear!

This Day In History!!

One good thing about certain social media sites is that it reminds you about fun things from your past. Today was one of those days. It turns out that 5 years ago today was when I picked up my current bike.

Everyone has their own favorite bike, and this one is mine. It has taken Renee and I to many wonderful places and amazing sites. One thing we love about this bike is that we can take it down almost any road we see. We have only been turned back once by a water crossing (there is video of that mistake on our Youtube site, maybe I'll post it here sometime). Regardless of this one minor setback we are looking forward to our next adventure on this awesome bike.

Send us a picture of your favorite bike, we would love to see it!

Ride Safe!

Dale and Renee.

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