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Nov. 3rd: Driftless Challenge Wrap up + Winter Workshops!!

2022 Driftless Challenge Wrap Up

Big THANK YOU to everyone who entered the 2022 Driftless Challenge!

We are happy to announce the winner of the October Driftless Challenge:

Congratulations Kim L!!

October was the final month of the 2022 Driftless Challenge, so it is time to give away the 2022 Grand Prize

This year's Grand Prize was provided by Viking Bags. Be sure to check out their great line of motorcycle luggage. This year's Grand Prize of an Awesome Sissy Bar Bag. Thank You Viking Bags. Here are some photos from the Viking Bag website:

The 2022 Grand Prize Winner is Mike E.!! Congratulations Mike.

Here are some awesome pictures from the 2022 Driftless Challenge! Thanks to everyone who shared their pictures with us!

Here is a list of all the Driftless Challenge winners:

2023 Driftless Challenge:

Renee and I are already working on the 2023 Driftless Challenge and while nothing is finalized yet, here are a few changes we are working on:

  • New locations on all existing routes and routes that were not included in the 2022 Challenge!

  • In addition to photographs, riders will have an alternate method of entering the 2023 Driftless Challenge.

  • Great New Prizes!

Be sure to subscribe to our website to make sure you get the latest news!!

Winter Workshops:

We are excited to announce that we will be presenting at a series of workshops this winter. The focus of the workshops will be Route Planning Techniques and GPS Tips. These will free and open to everyone.

In addition to the workshops, we will also set aside some time either before or after the workshops to answer more complicated questions in a smaller group setting.

There is currently 1 workshop scheduled for early December in the Woodstock, IL. The details for this workshop will be released in the next week. In addition, there are 2 workshops in January (Twin Cities and LaCrosse). The exact details of the January workshops are still firming up. We are also working on getting some dates lined up for early February.

We will continue to publish reminders and registration links as we get closer to the dates. We hope to see you there!

Safe Travels!!

Dale and Renee

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