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Feb 19th Spotlight On: Wisconsin Border Bond Falls Route


The Wisconsin Border Bond Falls Loop is great ride that straddles the border between Wisconsin and Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

This route starts and ends in Wakefield, Michigan before it loops South into Wisconsin and onto Wisconsin Rustic Road #100. It meanders along between several ponds and lakes before crossing back into Michigan near Watersmeet.

The Wisconsin Border Bond Falls Route eventually angles Northeast for a visit to Bond Falls, which is the highlight of this route.

While this waterfall may not be the highest, it is still amazing to view. There are walking paths that take you along the edge of the falls from the bottom to the top. You can watch the water and feel its strength as it rushes by the edge of the path. When we were there the water was high and some water was actually running down the walking path!! This is also a good chance to get off of the bike and stretch your legs because there is still a lot of riding to do on this trip.

After you leave Bond Falls, it is a short ride North and West to the next waterfall; Agate Falls. While you can't get as close to Agate Falls, it is still an amazing waterfall to view. It is also located beneath a decommissioned railroad bridge, so you can take in the engineering involved with spanning this valley.

If you don't mind a little gravel, you can take an OHV trail over the bridge and view the falls from the top, however this gravel section is not included on the Wisconsin Border Bond Falls Route.

Once you leave Agate Falls, you will continues on to Lake Gogebic where the route follows the shoreline for several miles.

At the end of the ride, as you arrive back in Wakefield, you will ride past one of Peter Toth's Whispering Giants called "Nee-Gaw-Nee-Gaw-Bow" on the shores of Sunday Lake. This is a great place to stop for a minute to wind down from the ride.

You can download the .gpx file for this route (and many others) in the Driftless Store.


Dale and Renee

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