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Dec. 8th Update: New Route Preview: Black River Falls Grand Portage Tour - 6 Day Trip!!


Black River Falls to Grand Portage Route:

Today we wanted to highlight the biggest trip we have created so far: A 6 day round trip from Black River Falls, Wisconsin, to Grand Portage, Minnesota, and back again.

The Black River Falls Grand Portage tour is an epic 6 day, 1,350 mile trip that will take you from western Wisconsin to the Canadian boarder and back again.

Besides the awesome roads and the amazing scenery, there are plenty of other sights and points of interest for you to enjoy. We have included waterfalls, lighthouses, historical sites, geographic sites, and enough Wisconsin Rustic Roads to get your patch.

You can get more details about this terrific trip when the new web site is launched.

And speaking of the new web site launch:

We are getting closer to launching the new website every day. Last week we had 12 items to finish and as you can imagine, as we finished some items, new items popped up. So now we are down to 7 items to finish prior to launch (and a ton of things to do after launch).

Looking to the future:

Without giving too much away yet, we just wanted to say that we have already started making plans for next year. We have started identifying new Driftless Challenge locations, and we are also working on some new activities and new opportunities for riders. More to come on this after the website launch.

Ride Safe,

Dale and Renee

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